2010 golden globe awards
w_parietti22Jul 11, 10:19 PMXeon! Conroe (Core 2 Duo)is going in the iMac

Megan Fox: 2011 Golden Globe
takaoMar 15, 05:39 PMi can't find a good source for timed updates.
all things seem to go together and i can't really tell what's new and what's not.
one thing seemingly emerging as really problematic is the spent fuel pools.
I can't understand how it is possible that the design puts it in the worst possible place (in terms of management during a crisis) and without ANY containment protection.
it's crazy.
puma, can explain the rationale?
afaik it's more designed as a holding pool for fuel rods to be put in and those just recently taken out
the problem seems to be that reactor 4 has been shut off for maintance works, thus many of the normal fuel rods seem to have been taken out of the reactor and put into the basin ... but that is only as far as i heard
information flow has been rather limited because there was night in japan so i suspect the next hours we will get more informations/press releases again
edit: tepco is reporting readings of 300-400 mSv in the broken structure of reactor 4 which makes it difficult to control the fire and restore the water level in the pool
Next gallery - 2011 Golden
iBug2Apr 20, 07:50 PMPeople should drop the Ferrari analogy, because it's totally off the mark. Ferrari is better than pretty much anything else, on almost every aspect you can think of, except size.
An iPhone isn't better than an Android phone on all aspects, it's better in certain ones and worse in others. Overall I prefer Apple's ecosystem when it comes to personal computing, and when it comes to cellphones, I just bought an iPhone (1st gen) because I'm an Apple user anyway, and it seemed pretty amazing in 2007 when Jobs introduced it, and I'm still using my 1st gen.
Golden Globes 2011 Fashion
koobcamukApr 9, 12:04 AMThese people are fleeing the "yellow light of death� on PS3 or "red ring of death' on 360.
That's a complete joke, surely? There's no way you can compare console gaming, in basically a home arcade, to swiping your fingers around on a 3.5" screen. No way. I am a gamer, and always will be.
Gaming on the iPhone is good for 2-minute bursts, such as when sitting on the toilet. It's not a great games device. Most of the games are cheap with no replay value.
Think the Golden Globes missed
carlgoMay 9, 12:31 PMThere is only one rational, consumer-friendly way to deal with this: allow carriers of our choice and offer plans that reflect the amount of use.
Right now it is like if you buy a BMW you can only use Shell gas and have to sign a contract to buy 200 gallons a month even even if you don't drive much. And, you have to pay for 200 gallons even if you do want to drive a lot, but the gas isn't even available!
Of course, you should have known that there are no Shell stations nearby and that others are driving around in perfectly good Fords and Kias that can fuel up at any of the other gas stations in town.
Maybe you really did believe the Shell employees who said a new station would be up soon. Of course, you do know that they might be tempted to sign you up to a contract that forced you to buy gas that wasn't actually available? Sort of a double-dip, eh?
And, maybe you didn't realize that many of the Shell stations that are open, in neighboring towns, only have one pump and that there are long lines of people waiting to fuel up their BMWs.
Shell says that they will build more stations, but mostly they just put new logos on the existing pumps and advertise more. Turns out that more pumps cost money and are opposed by many residents.
So, Shell simply charges more for the existing gas! And, they sell apps and BMWs and gas cards in the convenience store. Now they make so much money from all this that they actually give a large percentage back to BMW!
BMW is able to sell their cars for half the price because of this subsidy. Selling a very desirable and expensive car cheap and locking customers into a kick-back exclusive arrangement to regain the profit margin is genius. And, Shell can charge enough to cover the kickback and still make a huge profit. Pure genius.
The head of BMW, the improbably-named Herr Jobs is renowned all over the world for pulling off this marketing arrangement and greatly enriching both BMW and Shell. This business model will be studied for a hundred years.
In fact, it is so successful that other gas companies want to sell gas for BMWs as well. The problem is that it would cost a fortune to change their gas formulation to work in BMWs and they want BMW to instead change the fuel system to work with their gas.
Herr Jobs sees no reason to change the arrangement with Shell because he gets the financial breakdown every day and he first looks at the column showing the take from Shell.
As a kid, Herr Jobs loved Scrooge McDuck and hoped someday he would be diving into huge piles of money in the basement of his lavish new McMansion. Now he can do that!
It will all end. In time we will be able to buy the gas of our choice, from stations that are open in our area and which have fast, friendly service. We will actually be able to buy just the gas we need.
It is just hoped that this change will happen sooner than later because we consumers will certainly be better off when it does. Don't worry about Scrooge McDuck. He is a resilient old duck who will do quite fine and will remain the Head Duck on the pond as long as he wants.
The 2008 Golden Globe nominees
Rodimus PrimeMar 13, 11:50 PMWhy can't people get away from the concept of a centralized power source, like a coal or nuclear plant or even a wind farm to generate their national needs? I even see arguments that 'we don't have the space' for alternative power. Look at an aerial photo of any city and all you see is miles and miles of dead empty blank rooves. Solar panels or even small wind turbines on every single roof in every city will have people either reducing their reliance on a central power source or even contributing their own electricity to the grid to the point you may not even need a central power source, or maybe just one - which could be a wind farm or a nice clean geothermal plant.
I sure as hell would not want wind turbines on the roof of houses. The noise from them would drive me insane.
I am a fan of putting solar cells on the roof of houses and then the excess power is sold back to the grid. That helps reduce it by a fair amount. Not that it would work in a large part of the country due to not being cost effective. You need to be farther south for it to really be worth it and have fair amount of sun shine.
biggest thing is we need more efficiency out of what we have. HVAC is some of the biggest power draining system and improve those and it greatly improves the over all system.
Leonardo DiCaprio
CQd44Apr 21, 02:53 AMIts amazing how all those "smart" Android users are still poorer than the average iOS user, and spend less than the average iOS user.
Amazing that all these "smart" people just make so much less money...
Are you ****ing serious?
I don't use Apple products but oh my god I feel bad for you guys. Having a fanboy like this must be ridiculously crappy.
hair on 2011 Golden Globes
Clive At FiveSep 21, 04:56 PMEither way, I am still willing to bet for a large family, cable is significantly cheaper (especially when you take into account all the TV watched for "background noise" (such as the food network)).
Hey, I watch the Food Network! Iron Chef rocks and Rachael Ray is a kitchen fox! Are those on the iTS?
Leonardo DiCaprio is one of
chaoticbearApr 14, 04:36 PMStick shared files on a NAS or in the cloud. Problem solved.
My last PC laptop decided not to go to sleep one one trip, I put it away in my backpack and when I took it out the battery was drained and the sleeve was discolored by the heat.
Plus, I just love trying to shut down or log off and be told that Windows needs to install updates. Right now? WTF! If I need to shut you down it's because I need to go. Now.
This is really better?
Regarding the first point - we have a NAS set up at home, but trying to format that sucker to where both of our computers could use it, the NAS recognized it, and to where we could stick >4GB files on there was a wreck. At this point, I don't remember what we put each partition in, but I know the onboard BT client only accepted one format, I had to download some tool to make a small partition for that, and then we partitioned the rest as... something. If I ever need to plug directly into my computer for anything, I'm sure it'll be a blast.
And I don't generally mind the close = sleep behavior, but it'd be nice to have the option, you know? At least my new MBA charges my phone while it's closed; the old MB had to be open. It spent a lot of time open and idle.

Golden Globes 2011- Final
firestarterMar 14, 06:51 PMAs someone already mentioned, mining uranium isn't "green". Dealing with radioactive waste isn't "green". Releasing heated water back into the environment isn't "green".
Fission itself may not produce greenhouse gases, but calling nuclear power "green" seems like quite a stretch.
(I have to correct my quote (http://www.ecolo.org/media/articles/articles.in.english/love-indep-24-05-04.htm)... he described Nuclear as the only Green solution, not the only green choice - but the meaning is equivalent)
To answer you citizenzen:
1/ Perhaps you should take your complaint up with James Lovelock. I'm quoting him - I don't recall calling Nuclear energy 'Green'.
2/ Your English comprehension could be better. Calling Nuclear 'The only Green Solution' (or Choice) is NOT calling it Green. The opinion piece merely points out that hydrocarbon burning is LESS Green. See the difference?
Golden Globe winners Robert De
digitalbikerMar 18, 09:08 PMI think this whole issue with Apple, DRM, & the music industry once again makes it perfectly clear that this distribution model is flawed. I have never used the Apple Store because I won't support digital encryption methods that restrict rights for the sole purpose of profit. I buy cd's and rip my music.
The recording industry needs to change or die. We are no longer living in the 1950's. Making perfect copies of recordings and distributing multiple copies of the recording is no longer the significant monetary burden it once was.
The recording industry needs to shift to a new business paradigm. If downloading music is to be the standard for distibution then profit-margins should be reduced to pennies per song. Artists should try to generate income through live-performances, or through managing their own web distribution system, charging a few cents a song.
The recording industry wants to be compensated at ever increasing rates even though technology has significantly reduced the cost of doing business. They can't have their cake, eat-it too, and lose weight.
2011 golden globes zac efron
jlc1978Mar 18, 07:03 AMSome users received the above SMS message with a followup email explaining tethering and warning them that tethering will be enabled if they continue to use that feature.TiPb speculates (http://www.tipb.com/2011/03/18/att-cracking-jailbroken-mywi-users/) on how they are detecting unauthorized tethering:
Article Link: AT&T Cracking Down on Unauthorized Tethering (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2011/03/18/atandt-cracking-down-on-unauthorized-tethering/)
Hmm - that would be a change in your contract and might just allow you to get out of it with no termination fee - just as any the change would. Unless hay could prove you violated the TOS they can't unilaterally change it and force you to accept it; especially when they change the price.
Next gallery - 2011 Golden
citizenzenMar 27, 09:50 PMDr. Spitzer is an intelligent, nonreligious psychiatrist who believes that some can change their sexual orientations.
So long as they only change it in one direction. :rolleyes:
at Golden Globes? Twilight
camboxApr 13, 12:20 PMWell it was rumoured for some time and we all waited with baited breath but was Apple seriously going to end the pro app that started them off to stardom? Sadly yes they have. What genius decides to make a pro app accessible to the masses? We who use FCP have to make money from our business, so we need a little bit of smoke and mirrors to make our business needed, otherwise our clients will just get a 16 year old in off the street, download FCP (sorry imovie Pro or whatever they have decided to call it) and there you go we are out of work!
I can see the business sense for Apple but they have now taken it all away from us who stayed by them for all these years.. Thanks Apple for the kick in the teeth. I am a ''Pro'' app user and have been for well over a decade and will be sad to move over to a new system but alas nothing lasts for ever.
Born 2000 died 2011
Leonardo Dicaprio with Short
mahonmeisterOct 25, 10:51 PMI just got my mac pro a month and a half ago.
And you shall continue to enjoy it. Like Arn has stated, this likely isn't replacing any current configurations, just adding to them.
This seems really exciting. All these cores are gonna pump out some serious power. Now if they could just mash together that processor that IBM made at like 50GHz (I think they cooled it with dry ice or something) with a multi core processor they'd have something! Bring it.
Golden Globes 2011: Angelina
AppliedVisualOct 30, 09:30 PMThis doesn't have anything to do with the new machines, but does anybody have in inkling of how to get extra drive sleds for a MacPro?
The Mac Pro uses sleds??? Uh, oh... Why Apple, why??? So it's not like my G5 quads where everything you need is included (just add drives)? That sucks. :mad:
Is this really true?
Leonardo DiCaprio amp; Robert
javajediOct 13, 05:56 PMyeah, that's certianly possible. I'm not sure if that is or is not the case, but wouldn't be suprised if it is. I'll find out.
leonardo dicaprio 2011.
edifyingGerbilApr 24, 01:53 PMAs in he hopes since you have the view of people should not infringe on your rights, that you should hopefully not infringe on others....such by opposing gay marriage
Oh, that wasn't very clear, or maybe I'm being obtuse lol
I don't see how gay people marrying would infringe any of my rights.
I value the freedom of expression and speech a lot.
starring Leonardo DiCaprio
jholznerSep 20, 09:58 AMWoohoo a hard drive! :D
I wasn't planning on buying CenterStage, but the DVR functionality(?) would make it very appealing.
Not sure how it would have DVR capabilities since there is no coax input but who knows. If it could do DVR I'd buy in a second and replace my Tivo. However, it seems Apple wants to sell you shows not let you record them for free so I don't see them adding it. Here's hoping!
Young SpadeApr 5, 10:23 PMI just switched Friday afternoon so some of these things still aggrivate me a little lol.
I can't maximize a screen without dragging the one corner that lets me resize. This irritated me at first but now I don't mind having a moderate sized box, it allows me to see my wallpaper :) Plus with spaces, I never really need to fill up my screen with windows.
The whole folder/file tree thing in Finder is a little... simple? And it's going to take some getting used to for me. Also the whole not being able to simply cut and paste a file bothers me as well. I love organization and not being able to just cut and move something is a little iffy... unless there is a simple way and I just don't know how...
The keyboard commands will allow you do do a lot of things faster so I would highly suggest you learn them as quick as you can. Right now I'm pretty fluent with them and I'm doing a lot more in a shorter amount of time than I could do with a PC.
~loserman~Mar 20, 06:28 PMIt is wrong? How so? If I burn a track for my wedding video, yes, I'm technically breakeing the law, but there is nothing immoral about doing that. No one is losing out on any money. No one is being hurt. He isn't stealing anything. He's breaking a copyright law that makes no sense in that case.
If you add it to your wedding video for your own use then you are not. If you make copies of the video and give them to the wedding guests then you are.
Rt&DzineMar 13, 05:29 PMNot really. Chernobyl has an estimated death toll of 4000. Let's multiply that by 10 for arguments sake. More people are killed each year in the US alone by car accidents. Nuclear power is still a fairly minor risk.
Huh? I agreed with you that there are more car accident deaths. But just as I said Chernobyl is an estimated death toll. My point is many deaths from a nuclear accident aren't known. I personally know someone who died from the effects of Chernobyl who wasn't included in the estimation. I'm sure there are many, many more.
damienvfxSep 12, 06:03 PMand this was a smart move on Steve's part. He is trying to garner support for his movie download service, just like a producer would try and hedge his/her film to a few different production companies.
Makes people more excited about the possibilities ahead. Which in tun production companies will want to jump on the bandwagon and reap some of the benefits.
The preview wasn't for you and me per se. It was for Universal, Paramount, MGM, & Fox to see just how interested the market is in such a peripheral. Steve's got their attention now.
Th3CrowApr 28, 08:00 PMBut any time a fad gets discussed over a period of years, it's no longer a fad, it's a trend.
Perfectly stated. :)
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